
Welcome to FirstExperience Club

Clubs are a great way to motivate students for team participiation and also develop there personality and communication.

In clubs, you can improve your communication skills, develop your creativity, and learn how to work effectively with others. Getting to know you well through your extracurricular activities is one of the few ways colleges and companies can discover what kind of person you are.

High school clubs can benefit students in many ways

Affinity group to make & cultivate friendships

Signal to colleges about what you are interested in

Path to leadership within an organization

Low-risk way to “test” a fledgling interest in a topic

Structure to start your own club


How can clubs benefit me ?
These activities allow you to demonstrate your leadership skills and community involvement outside of the classroom. A candidate’s extracurricular profile takes years to build and strategically enhances his or her candidacy.
What happens when you join a club ?
As a member of a club or society, you gain knowledge, skills, and experience in leadership, communication, problem-solving, group development and management, finance, presentation, and public speaking. Your self-perception will change. You’ll outgrow yourself and ts the best way to interact with new people.